I've been hanging my show, baking for a birthday outing, locating and collecting a kitten, having the show private view and doing Art on the Prom in Felixstowe. Oh and visiting the kitten lots!
So hanging the show was surprisingly pain free. Baking went well. We went to Dunwich for fish and chips and then took afternoon tea together which was lovely. Private view was well attended and Art on the Prom was great fun. But lets cut to the chase, the most important event of the week. The kitten!
Here she is. Her name is Izzy. We chose her name because she looks exactly like one of our previous cats, a boy called Tizz. They have the same few hairs of white under the chin! And she is lovely. As kittens and cats are. She's got braver, bolder and faster as she zooms round the house! She likes to be where we are so when I was sorting some stuff earlier there she was chasing the elastic I was using. She makes cute little chirps and meows and purrs loud and without much encouragement and darts around from room to room.
Thank goodness for small things that can make you so happy everything else is rosy with it. I'm so glad that happens both ways, when we lost Poppy a lot of other things felt lost too. Now things are coming right again.
-- Post From My iPhone