Luckily a good friend of mine Sarah Wade gave me some very good advice, "just draw she said, doodle and see what happens and don't worry whether it is good or bad". Well it worked! Also watching the great series Mad Men on dvd was quite inspiring too. So my brain woke up and so did my enthusiasm, so this afternoon I gave my new screen it's first try out. And oh my is it good!! Chris even gave a little gasp when I lifted it up to reveal the first print.
I must also include a picture of the great squeegee holder my dad made for us. It's got different slots for different squeegees as I have some skinnier ones to use on my new screen as well as the big ones for traditional screens and it is so super handy! I really needed something to prop my squeegee on while i moved the screen and this is the supreme tool for doing it! Thanks Dad!
I'll be doing some more prints on this length of calico in different colours and probably different prints so i'll post pictures as I go along.