Thoughts Of The Common Reader" is a blog devoted to the author Virginia Woolf, her life and her books.
Flo has decided to read Virginia Woolf's books in chronological order and discusses her reasons for partaking on this 'mission' and her passion for the author and her writing. I will say no more as you really should go and discover the blog yourself, and I wouldn't like to steal Flo's thunder.
I'm sure her posts will be very interesting reading, she strings a sentence together better than me for a start!
Thank you for the shout out! Love the look of the new website, excited to see it develop. Thanks again for the bag, it is brilliant. I shall be using it all the time!
I've popped over to your friend's blog and will be following it avidly, thanks for the tip.
Well done for getting some of your stuff into the shops, I'm sure it'll fly out the door!
Julia xx
thank you for stopping by both our blogs!
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