That is my interpretation of the sound created when weaving on a loom. One of these...
this view is actually looking from back to front, you do all the actual weaving at the other end from this view. My loom is currently missing the little toggles and strings that lift the metal frame bits up in the middle, but hopefully this time next week it will be fully functioning.
It had needed a little love, and will probably receive more when I get it home. But for now I need help fixing it and 'dressing' it. The process of attaching the warp (the threads that go up and down) to the loom is called dressing. It is a long and laborious task that the masochist in me rather enjoys.
Here's another picture. The second picture actually precedes the first one but I wanted to give you an idea of what the loom actually looks like. The second picture shows the threads before I threaded each of them through a separate 'heddle'. One at a time! Next step is to thread each thread through the reed one at a time. Then i'm ready! You may ask what I am making. I may as the same question! But I can't wait to get started!
Chris and I went on another little jolly on Saturday. We went to Needham Market Town Hall Antiques shop. It is spread over 2 floors but definitely not spread thinly! It is stuffed full, to the extent you have to look in all the little nooks and crannies and down the side of shelves in case there are some goodies lurking in the darkness.
We spent a whole hour in this place. They sell everything you could imagine, all the usual like crockery, postcards and books but also old tins, vintage accessories, old cameras and sewing things. it is a treasure trove!
i got this tin, a knitting bag and an old map and Chris got an old Kodak stills camera, an old film camera and a film tin with a reel of film inside of a tank explosion lol.
I've also been rooting through charity shops lately and came up with a welsh tapestry coat, a burgandy clutch bag, a purple angora hat with a bobble and a felt belt. Good stuff! I'll post pics when I remember and there is good light. Until then... it's Obama time.
I just looked out the window and saw this. Well, I saw the rain first and then I thought there must be a rainbow cos the sun was shining. So then I saw this! I dashed outside and took a few pictures, got soggy slippers but I think it was worth it.
Then I ran downstairs to let the dog out and by the time i'd ran back into the house and down the stairs the rain had stopped and the rainbow had disappeared.
Slippers are now on the radiator.
I wanted to post pictures of the things I have been making today, brooches!! They are lovely and colourful with buttons and texture and I do believe a touch of loveliness. But the weather is so awful here that there is absolutely no light for pictures whatsoever. it is raining and I have the light on in my room. Terrible.
So even though I have posted this picture before I received a parcel from this beautiful place on Saturday.
A brand new book to read. I chose Marianna from the collection of 81 books. It's a nice thick one so it will hopefully last me a while.
Though I haven't had time to start it yet. I've been tidying and sorting and trying to use the numerous tins and jars I have for storing things. Apparently you can't own these things without 'needing' them. Though that doesn't apply to vinyl figures of Barack Obama! More on the jars when there is more light.
And now for the things I do like. This list should be longer than the last one!
1. I love cakes, I love baking, and I love baking buns like those opposite, and my tastebuds love them too. My tum and thighs are not such fans! And neither is the waist band on my jeans.
2. New magazines to read. Especially when Country Living lands on my doorstep and I can sit down with a cup of tea, one of the cakes mentioned above and lap it up! I especially love Country Living, Country Homes & Interiors, Elle, Selvedge and Vogue.
3. New books fresh for reading and exploring.
4. Sitting in the garden in summer with a drink and a newspaper and the warm sun.
5. Open gardens to visit with tea and cake and jam to buy!
6. Vintage homewares and haberdashery.
7. Tins of biscuits, again my tum and thighs are not so enthusiastic.
8. Cats, wonderful independent, furry, funny, loving little kitties.
9. Persephone books, wonderful colour, wonderful endpapers and a beautiful shop.
10. Driving wherever I want to, whenever I like. I'm going to an antiques fair this weekend! Weee!!
As the subject suggests this is a list of things I do not like. Not very positive i know, but I will follow it with a list of things I do like. So it's okay in the end!
1. I don't like spiders, but I was told the other day that spiders do not like the gas that conkers excrete as they dry out which is handy as this little basket of conkers is on our doorstep.
2. I don't like how I can change this font to verdana, and I can make it small, and I can make it grey, but I can't make the title the same!
3. I don't like people who say 'yeh yeh yeh' in a dismissive way like they know what you're talking about when clearly they do not and will later on prove that not only did they not understand but they weren't listening either!
4. I don't like people playing music out of their mobile phones in public places. It is so rude, and what gets me most is they don't even consider that other people don't want to hear it. They are completely oblivious.
5. I don't like people who have no respect for people and property. The way some people are so rude to staff in shops, rude drivers who intimidate people, young people who have no respect for their elders and the people who keep spitting on the window of my car. WHY!?
So hear is 2009 and I couldn't be happier to see it. 2008 had it's good times, I passed my teaching qualification and my driving test, but it was also pretty lousy too. The picture on the left is to remind me of the good feelings I plan to have in 2009!
So I have a lot of plans for this year.
- More blog posts with more pictures!
- More creativity and do all those things I have ideas about.
- Go more places, though that's so much easier now I can drive.
- Be healthier.
- Make money doing things I love.
- Don't just say 'I could make that'. Actually do it!
- Send more letters.
- Use my journal more.
That's what i've got so far but no doubt the list will get longer. I am excited about this year already.