I love how the tree outside my house is red at the top, to orange, to yellow to a few green leaves left at the bottom.
I love putting my scarf and hat on! YES!!! I love wearing my big coat. Not just because i love my big coat but because I can tuck up all warm in it.
And best of all, warm cosy beds with the quilt up to my chin and lovely comfy pyjamas!
In other news this week I have been busy making things for the I Make Fun Stuff Craft Market. I've been printing new bags and sewing up some bunting and making masses and masses of badges! I would LOVE to show you pictures of the new designs but someone has my camera and so I haven't been able to take any pics! I shall get it back tomorrow and hopefully it will be bright enough to get some decent images.
Look out for those, I do hope you like them! Until then I shall depart, off to do some drawing in my big cosy bed!!!